Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I thought I was going to freeze my rear off this morning. I decided to not take a jacket out to run, since I get all warm anyways, and the jacket just ends up hanging at my waist like a dead weight. Well that's what it feels like when you're running anyways. And I was glad I didn't have it when I got to my halfway point.

We signed up Laurel for preschool, and actually I wasn't even going to sign her up until I talked to (who used to be) our neighbor, and she signed up her 4 year old to this preschool. Quite frankly, I left it up to God, because I wasn't sure how I wanted to handle it. Certainly preschool isn't divine intervention, but I knew if something came up we could figure it out from there. So I got the numbers to call and I knew the person who was the contact, so we talked for a little while, one of the bonuses of living in a small town. I went to school with her daughter, and she actually remembered me. Which I think is a good thing, since in elementary school I wasn't a bad kid hardly at all. Minus the whole kicking another kid thing, oh and punching a kid because he tried to punch my brother and...well okay, so I could have been the bad kid....I was just very protective, that's all. Call it my aggressive nature.

So anyways, I signed her up and I know she isn't ready to go to school for 2 days all day yet, but I think it will do her a lot of good. She's been having trouble going on Sundays to the kids class and has been sitting out with me in church. And yes, I make her sit through all of church, we don't sneak out before the music. She knows it was her choice to be there, and that she is suppose to be quiet. Anyways, she's a good kid, but by going to church with me, she isn't interacting with kids her age, and learning how to make friends.

And really I want her to have a better chance than I do to make friends. I was a pretty fun kid, but after my dad passed away I became a recluse. I didn't want anyone near me, just for the simple fact that I didn't want to lose them too. I started to get into fights. I was angry, all the time.

And Laurel doesn't need to be that kid. I want her to make mistakes, and figure them out. That's how she will grow. But unless she goes out into the world to face kids, she doesn't have a fighting chance. I think of how much she is going to hate the fact that I leave her there all day, and she will cry when she gets dropped off for school. I want to just say that she'll be fine here at home, but I know that her going to school will do her a world of good as well as bad. But that's life, you got to take it all in, and it's not about how good or bad the situation is, it's all about how you handle it.

So that's my 2 cents on hashing out why Laurel should go to school.

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