Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Okay, I have a few minutes to post. I can't say I've been entirely busy with packing up to move, since I have maybe 15 boxes packed. It's hard to pack up a house when your stuff is still intertwined with other peoples stuff. You tend to forget who's is what. Well, that and you're still living there. So dishes are a no, and any bathroom necessities are a no... I'm so used to packing up in one week or less and moving. This is a little backwards to me.

We have a few genius touches this time though. My mother-in-law painted each girl a box so they can pack and find their personal stuff. We actually have a truck thanks to my brother. And I have a couple days to clean and paint BEFORE we move in, which is a novelty.

I'm curious where this is leading us because it's all happening so fast. It seems like there is something bigger in store for us, and I'm both excited and nervous to face it head-on.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Merge: Communion

Last night Josh and I went to the Merge meeting at Riv. The theme for this year's events is communion, so this time, it was decided that we would actually take communion. The people were sat down at a table of six or eight, and were given time to talk with one another. Then we were asked to talk about the idea of communion and what it means, then the table would pray together before they broke the bread. Afterwards they were given time to talk with people. I was taking pictures at the time, so I could hear the conversations and the prayers throughout the room. These are a few that struck me.

I saw a 20something male tell about his life and then admit, "It's all that I have."

I ended up talking to one woman who doesn't attend Riv, and she asked me about how Riv got started. Eventually it led into her life story. She was excited at the boldness of Riv and was even more excited about how she could help.

Another woman was excited to lead a small group but couldn't lead it in her own home.

I talked to a man who when it came time to pray, led in a bold prayer that left the table silent and awestruck. "I don't remember exactly what I prayed but when I said Amen and lifted up my head, one woman looked at me and said, 'Awesome.' That opened up the table for honest and real discussion."

Another woman said when I asked her about the whole event, "It's needed. The communion, the sense of community, people just need that."

I can't say for sure lives were changed or that people even left with the right idea in mind, but I did see several people exchange phone numbers, email addresses and encouraged several to fill out surveys. It's a start. People were curious and excited to know what Merge was doing next. And that is exciting.

This said from simply an observer.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Laurel was Wendy from Peter Pan.

Dar was Princess Dora. She looks good with black hair.

Cassie was Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

Last year Laurel went as Belle and Dar was all disappointed because she wasn't a pretty princess too, so this year we made sure that Cassie wasn't left out of the prettiness. She was so thrilled to be Belle. That costume has seen several Halloweens in the past few years.

This year was the first year in downtown St. Johns where they had trick or treating open at several businesses for the little kids, who probably won't make it for the actual trick or treating later that night. I had no idea how many kids under 9 years old lived in St. Johns. There was so many kids, it was hard to find parents.

Dar looks like her Aunt Sam in this picture, it's the black hair I think. I never thought Dar looked like a Pung, but this seems to prove it.

Grandma's cup

So I sat down to my morning coffee, and the cup I usually use was dirty, so I grabbed another mug, not a big deal.

Not realizing that it is a big deal to Cassie who said...

"Mom that's Grandma's cup."

"Yes, it's Grandma's but I'm using it today."

After several minutes of trying to convince me that it's Grandma's and that I should use another mug, she turns to Josh and says.

"Daddy, look at Mommy. Mommy is using Grandma's cup."

Obviously I did something wrong.