Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jetta thinks he's the Mighty Hunter, and dust bunnies are his prey.

Our cat thinks he's the might hunter.

He attacks ankles and Mickey Mouse slippers like he were a tiger in the African safari.

He preys on innocent bugs. He bats them around until they are unsure which direction to go and then eats them. Very circle of life-ish.

He may think he is a mighty hunter but he exhibits many dog like qualities as well.

For example, he can't ever seem to find snacks we give him, even when they are right in front of his face.

Or the fact that he drinks out of the toilet. Maybe that's the survival skills of a true hunter. To always know where to find the water hole.

I'm just not sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder what it is about toilets that animals feel the need to drink from them? Hmmmm.... a study in the making.