Friday, September 22, 2006

But Mom, I don't want to go to school.

I've been talking with Laurel about what you do when you are scared. I've been telling her to pray when she is scared of something. So today she finishes her breakfast and tells me she wants to stay home with me today, not go to school.

"Why do you want to stay home?"
"I'm sick, I want to stay home with you."
"Where does it hurt?"
"My... arm."
"If your arm hurts I still have to send you to school."

We went around like this for a good five minutes and then told her that if I let her skip school that I would get into trouble with the law. So I got her out of her pj's and when she realized I was going to send her to school anyways, she's quickly says,

"Mom I don't want to go to school, there's a dog there and I'm scared."
"What do we do when we are scared?"

She fumbled around with this. So I took her into my room and we prayed about it, I cried through the entire thing. After we closed in prayer, she was more than ready and excited again to go to school.

With Laurel you never know what she's thinking, if perhaps she was imagining a dog or if she saw one while sitting on the school bus. So I called the teacher just so she was in the know that Laurel was deathly afraid of dogs. Her teacher knew that there was a dog across the street that usually it barks at the kids while they play, and sometimes it gets loose. If Laurel saw it barking or running around, she would have been definately afraid. She's the first to climb up the nearest adult whenever a dog is around.

It's much harder to be a parent than to be the kid who goes to school to deal with their fears.

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