Saturday, November 29, 2008

Final Tally

Well the tally ended up as 100 McCain, 66 Obama, and 1 Nobama.

Guess as far as the signage goes, the tally doesn't ring true.

Good to know.

My first theory is that Republicans post more signs (or more as they usually have at least three posted in their yard, which I only accounted for one, being it was one yard. The only exception would be that there were 3 Republicans represented in one household... but hey, the system is flawed as we can see...)

I thought maybe there just weren't any outgoing politicians who went door to door with signs. I never got asked from either party. And all of the local electors who visited my door were democrats, so that kinda screws with my mentality. I guess I'm saying that in a sense we as Americans are rather lazy or overly busy, because we don't actually go to get a sign. We wait for the sign to come to us.

I'm also wondering if the Democrats being split up over Hilary impacted the signage.

All in all, an interesting test.

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