Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Josh said I always make him out to be the bad guy on my blog.

I don't mean to, if that's what you're thinking, he just happens to get caught in the middle, that's all. He was shocked that yesterday I wrote something nice about him.

I think he's going overboard actually. He wants fame and glory. I told him to get his own blog.

That's the price you pay for being truthful in writing. Should give everyone the inspiration to be nicer to me huh?

The girls have been watching the disney classics of mickey mouse, donald, chip and dale, pluto and goofy. It's this 8 hour tape of short disney cartoons and has this really cheesy 80s prime time disney show at the end. It's fun. You don't get cartoons like that anymore.

Good stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss those days when there were good cartoons on. and I don't think you make Josh out to be the "bad guy" all the time either. I like reading your blogs there is always something interesting. like that monkey one i mean come on that was great!