Thursday, October 06, 2005

Grisly Bear

Last night I went out for coffee, conversation, and de-stressing with my sister-in-law. And it just so amused me that they had a drink called the Grisly Bear, which was a vanilla caramel latte. So I order it, and my sister-in-law is like, what did you order??? A Grisly Bear, mostly because I wanted to say it out loud. So she let out this little laugh, and the guy probably heard me, so he yelled out, I need a Grisly Bear!

Well, it got to the point that a few orders were coming at a time, so the main guy asked if the other guy was making the Grisly Bear while he took the other orders, the guy's like I've got the Grisly Bear. So my sister-in-law said Oh, they said it two more times! And I couldn't help but laugh. Yeah, that started out our night. Silly and crazy, but fun.

And the Grisly Bear was really good, so I recommend it. But it will keep you awake, a good part of the night, be warned.

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