Thursday, January 26, 2006


It's funny how sometimes I'm in the middle of three totally different books and at other times I can't seem to find a book I can get into. Oh wait, I have four open right now. I forgot, I just picked one up today that I've been meaning to read for a week or so.

And the worst part is I need to finish up all my business stuff for Jeff. I got a lot done yesterday, but it seems like an endless job. I think I just need to force myself through it and get it done. Yuck.

It's not that it's exceptionally hard or beyond my capabilities, it takes creativity and endurance that I just don't have 24/7. If I would have not procrastinated it would be done weeks ago. That's really the whole point of the issue.

I'm a procrastinator. I'll say it. Not happily, but it's said. Procrastinator.

There. Doesn't that make you feel better Mel?


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