Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Baby. It's cold outside.

My co-worker, Trish, is pregnant with her first child, and invited me to her baby shower. When I told Cassie that I was going to get something for Trish's baby, she was excited.

"Oh yeah mom! We can go to the baby store and get a baby toy." She said, then she gave me this worried look. "but first, we have to go get Trish a baby."

After I told her that Trish's baby was in her tummy, she seemed a bit relieved. I called my brother to tell him about the buying a baby for Trish story, and Cassie wanted to talk to him. It went like this...

"So, mommy splaned (explained) to me that Trish has a baby in her tummy. But it's okay, because we can get a toy for the baby before he comes out."

She's got the problem solving idea down, first you get a baby then you get a toy for the baby.

There's an order to these things.

And she was pretty interested in the fact that the baby was in a temperature controlled climate in her tummy. She was concerned that the baby would not be warm enough in there. Laurel and Dar didn't have any questions about baby's when I was pregnant. Laurel was impressed that a baby showed up one day, and Dar was mad that there was a baby.

I'm actually really glad that she's my last child. I'm not sure I could handle all the baby questions.

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