Monday, May 02, 2005

Missed the point

I fought for a long time, with why I am here. I know I still fight. Lately I was very disturbed with being in God's will. Then I read something that made a lot of sense. Instead of trying to find out God's will for your life, why not spend that energy just following God? What does He want me to do now, instead of trying to "plan" for His will in the future. Leaving that unanswered question of life, and His will up to God, might just be the smartest thing I do. What is more important, following God, or the idea of His will?

I was too busy being technical, rather than focusing on what was important. Once again, I had severely missed the point and wasted a lot of time. The best part is that though I failed, I gained too, because I learned something else. Now who is it that says that you have to fail to suceed?

Right. Got it. Can't wait to see the next mess I get myself into.

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