Thursday, April 27, 2006


Josh has started to go on bike rides with me. We decided to buy two bike trailers so we could take the kids along. Well we got them today, and found out that Josh's boss has been meaning to get rid of his, so he's going to check to make sure it still works, and the beauty of buying online at department stores is that I can take it back to the store for a full refund, instead of shipping it back.

Well it took me all of 5 minutes to figure out how to put it together. It folds nicely, it goes together perfect, so far, I'm in love with it.


I take it out to my bike, and my bike has hated me from day one. I tried to get a bolt off of the bike and no way. Not possible. Several bumps, scraps, bruises, and swearing later, about an hour later to be exact, I admit defeat.

I'm not a man. I say. I don't have the pulling nor pushing power of a man who can manipulate tools to do what you want them to. It's like they call out all the tool gods and together they bond in some obscure ritual to obtain their goal. And do they ever obtain it. In less than 2 seconds.

Quick ritual.

I've been waiting for my chance to succeed today. You know what I did?

Sat down at the computer and downloaded an anti-virus that I also got today.

I can do that.

It doesn't take a man or tool gods for that. Just common sense.

I can handle that.


Anonymous said...

talk about defeat. You have me outdone in both areas. I can never get the tools to work or get the computer to work. the tool and computer gods just hate me i think. especially the computer ones. see you in a week. YAY!

Mel said...

Yeah, I totally striped the bolt so it was almost round so Glenn came over with his set of wrentches. Glenn and Josh worked on my bike, pulled the bolt off and put on a new one.

One point for Mel. Under the stubborn/ridiculous column.

Ah well.