Sunday, February 19, 2006


When I was in high school, I used to hate getting up at 6 in the morning. I'd get up take a shower (my shower was at 6, Jeff's was at 630) and then go back to bed. Seriously, I got the best sleep then, when I laid back down.

I don't do that anymore. Instead I get up at 6, run, get a shower and don't stop until Josh gets home. It's not as tiring as it sounds. Just different.

And I haven't been using an alarm. That's the weird part. I set my alarm for 630, and wake up at 615, so I get up then. Eventually I get so used to having the extra time at 615 that I "sleep-in" until my alarm goes off at 630 once, and promptly change it offcially to 615.

Now add 600 to all the 615s in that paragraph, and change 615 to 630, and you've got one ridiculously routined Mel, who is wired without even one drop of coffee at 600 in the morning. When will it stop?

I know there are thousands of people who probably wake up earlier and go to jobs and such but hey I have a choice, and my choice was never to get up before my alarm, and have it stick.

The natural clock inside of me should be banned from use.

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