Thursday, July 21, 2005

Extra! Extra! Read all about it.

I'm in such a rock and roll mood today. I keep listening to songs with heavy bass, and I am not the type that turns up the bass in my car so you can feel the ground vibrating for miles away. No I like a proportionate amount of bass and treble.

Anyways, some days are like that. I like mellow songs that turn into rock. And I need to find new songs, I've been too lazy to look is all. Or listen. I have too many other things to do. Like nurturing my kids. Big surprise there, right?

Oh this was awesome. Jeff's friend Tina came over last night, and we played card games until fairly late. It was such a good time. Odd that cards can be so fun, but you get to talk and tease while you play.

And shock of my life, Josh's brother Barney called us to go out to dinner for our anniversaries. Theirs was yesterday, ours is today. Yes. Today is our 5th anniversary. We aren't doing anything. Like our previous anniversaries, one of us was sick, (me, this time) it wouldn't seem like an anniversary if one of us wasn't sick. Not only that but Cassie was sick, and threw up all over me at 2am this morning. Being I was sick, I almost lost it myself. You've never smelled anything more rotten than thrown up milk. Yuck. Plus Josh didn't take today off of work. It wouldn't be an anniversary if he did. And I'm not disappointed. I just find it halirious.

Anyways Barn called us, to go out, I think I could handle this being a tradition. I love my brother and sister in law. They are great on so many levels. Sometimes I hate them, but really they are just being them. I don't expect any less. I guess what is so great is because we can argue with them, and nobody gets hurt. We don't do the name-calling bit or blame or whatever, we just argue rather honestly and its out and over with. I guess we just understand each other. It's weird and fun all at the same time.

So I'm not sure what is so great about our relationship. I'm clueless about relationships once again. Oh well. It really doesn't matter.

Although they came out to see Josh get baptized, the only family that showed up. And that was a really cool stand. Like Melissa said, "We wanted to come because we are family." I hope I am as awesome as that, there for them when they have things going on. Which reminds me. Please pray for Melissa today.

Sorry about the newsy post. You can't blame me for one, every once in a while.

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