Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I can't help it.

I was going to post on how crazy I am, but then I looked through my previous posts, and realized for the first time ever I'm actually happy with what I have written. I used to go back and read my life (before I blogged) and end up in this really crappy mood. Amazing, some people do change.

I guess that's the reality of it all. Even when I want to give up, I don't just sit there and wallow in it anymore. I do my best to pick myself up off the floor right away and try walking on. Half the time I fight through standing up, but hey, everyone struggles. Fact of life.

If I were amazingly perfect, everyone would hate me. For different reasons, I'm sure. Because nothing ever bad happened to me or I always had the perfect hair, you know. I would probably wish that something bad would happen just so something happened, just so I could be like everyone else. If I were perfect that is.

Somehow I don't ever want to be like anyone else. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be them, then I manage to find all the drawbacks and realize, yeah, I like being me. It's much more fun.

What would I do if I didn't have my kids and didn't get to stay at home with them. I'd be the same as everyone else. Stressed, felt like I was over-worked and I deserved more, and really an overall less of a person than I am today.

I like the fact that I have time right now, to figure out who I am. That's my bonus paycheck.

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