Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Today I actually rolled out some lyrics to a song. Which is so weird for me since I am not good with words. I always figured if I ever make it big, I'll hire someone else to do my lyrics. Maybe now I won't have to hire anyone. =)

Just when I think that I'm done with anything music-like, somehow it is revived with inspiration of some sort. It may not be good inspiration, but it's enough to get me started on something good.

I doubt that makes me any different from all those lone musicians who hope they have a prayer, or have too big of an ego to know that what they have, could be much better. I think maybe my music is a hobby. It's safer that way. I'm much too afraid to get out there and show-off who I am. I know that this fear impacts what happens in my life. It separates me from what I want and what I get.

I still want to learn new things, that will never change. And maybe that willingness will get me somewhere, someday. I'll just have hang onto that hope.

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