Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dar's motto for our lives.

The girls were cute today. Mom came home with fresh produce from Horrocks. So the girls decided to sit down and demand strawberries and tomatoes. And then Dar wanted blueberry muffins. So we cooked.

I like Dar's misunderstanding nature today.

Laurel was asking how old everyone was. My mom and Jeff were in their rooms at the time, while we were eating breakfast.

Laurel How old is Uncle Barney?
Josh: Next time you see him Laurel, you tell him that he's pushing thirty.
Laurel: Pushing thirty. How old is Aunt Melissa?
Me: Aunt Melissa is...
Josh: Oh yeah, she getting to that age when you don't want everyone else to know...
Me: Aunt Melissa is young and beautiful.
Laurel: How about grandma? (Kingsbury)
Me: She's young and beautiful too.
Dar: She's not beautiful! She's getting dressed!

Obviously being naked in Dar's mind means you're not beautiful just yet.

This is typical. Seriously.

Cassie said strawberry today. I was impressed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO since Josh is the same age as Melissa does that mean he's pushing that age where he doesn't want anyone to know either? hehe.

Man, if being dressed means your beautiful that means we all are. how nice.

Cool, Cassie said Strawberry. that is a mouthful.