Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Today is an exciting day.

Laurel has kindergarden round-up today. Laurel's teacher keeps asking how old Dar is, I'm not sure it's because she forgets or because Dar acts older than her age. Whatever. Dar isn't going to preschool until the fall of 2007, she won't be old enough for this year.

Yesterday the girls and I played outside the whole afternoon. Rather, they played outside while I worked, that's usually how it goes anyways. But when I started up the tractor, they got to take turns riding back to the wood pile in back. I'd unload the branches and they all climb into the tractor trailer and ride it back up to the front of the yard. It was fun to see them trying to race the tractor (the 2 that weren't riding on my lap) to the wood pile, so they could get a ride back. Fun stuff.

This week is suppose to be nice out, I can't wait to go outside with the girls again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i have been loving the weather. Kindergarten ROund-up already? man the time sure does fly. and YAY for playing outside!!