Sunday, March 26, 2006

I'm a Hypocrite, yes I am...

Email is awesome.

It's just way too easy to send an email.

That really wasn't what I've been thinking about today, because I didn't send any email. At all. How is that for random?

I had a Melism today, which was: I always say I am being one thing and end up another, so I guess I'm a hypocrite. Which if I say I'm a hypocrite, then I'm actually not...? Does that mean I know exactly what I'm not? Josh said that I wasn't a hypocrite I am just inconsistent. Consistently inconsistent. And since Josh said it, then I'll go with it. I didn't say it. I just nodded my head.

"This is good."

Doesn't the title to this blog sound like a song; a very bad twangy country song? Sang by some scrawny guy with acne and an old cowboy hat. Who can't sing. And is bald. Has a do-whop group with the blue faced bald monkeys.

Monkeys are not funny.

But they always make me laugh. It's dumb. It's childish. But funny. Stick monkey into any sentence and people instantly laugh.

I want to go eat Monkey ice cream.


I just want to Monkey a movie.

How about...

I have to go Monkey to the store.

Alright, so I'm the only one laughing.



Anonymous said...

I monkey you Mel. i must say that i think a lot of people are consistantly inconsistant. you see things or experience things that change your perspective. and yeah Monkey is fun to say. so is poo. they make me giggle. you should just send a mass email to all the people you know with just the word Monkey and see what they respond.

Mel said...

There's an idea...