Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Blueberry madness!

Posted by Hello

Oooh....I always get this warm feeling when eating a warm, fresh out of the oven, blueberry muffin. It's my blueberry bliss. What makes it so good, is my memories associated with it.

When we first had Laurel, Josh liked me to get up with him in the mornings, and make breakfast. We had a routine going, he jumped into the shower, I'd put on the coffee, and start up the stove, to make him eggs or waffles. But the greatest mornings were with blueberry muffins. Something about these muffins make you feel all comfortable and ready to start your day.

I also went to a friends house early in the morning, before our playgroup, and made muffins for them. I think usually her husband fends for himself in the mornings and he really appreciated it.

Then, my girls got old enough and I'd set them out on a plate. Within a matter of seconds there would be a few stolen off the plate. In the living room, they'd be all snuggled up on the couch, enjoying their pillage.

My blueberry blissdom has rubbed off. Not only do I enjoy these muffins of joy, I have a few converts as well. I am so glad that God put the man on the earth that baked these up. How would I ever live without them?

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