Thursday, February 17, 2005

My little prayer warrior

I think God chuckles when I pray. I can almost hear his hearty laughter each time I say something that amuses Him. I am bluntly honest with Him, and lately I have been so joyful; He is just happy that I am so excited to be alive. So much of my life was wasted on being angry and bitter, and now? I pray with a joyful heart.

There has been times of late I haven't been so happy. A good friend of mine had chest pains recently so she went into the doctor. When I found out, I immediately went to my room, fell to my knees (a gesture I don't usually do) and prayed a prayer of healing. My 3 year old daughter came in, and I started to cry. Now I don't usually cry but I could actually feel my friends pain. My daughter saw me crying and I said "Mommy hurts, because her friend hurts too." We had been teaching her how to pray at dinner time and I took the opportunity to teach her to pray when we are in need. So I said a simple prayer for her to repeat after me. When we said amen, suddenly, it was like a load had been lifted off my shoulders. What a blessing.

I will make prayer warriors out of my daughters yet.

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