Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dishes are vicious.

Hard to believe Laurel will be 4 tomorrow. It seems like she's been 2 forever for me, minus the terrible twos, she had that at 18 months. Maybe I don't want her to grow up after all.

Cassie is turning more into a toddler every day. It's funny to see her grow out of her baby look and into her kid face. Lately she has been giving these toothy grins when she is really excited and happy about something, and it just lights my world. She is such a sweet kid. I don't know where she comes from.

My mom bought dish soap so it means I have to do dishes again. I was hoping it was one of those things that just stayed on the grocery list for weeks, and I would have an excuse to why I wasn't doing dishes. Now it's just all my fault. I'll admit it. I hate dishes. And though I try to just get through them, some days it just doesn't work out. I really have to talk myself into it in order to get them done. It's just one of those things. That and it makes me irritated that they are never done. Like laundry, you can be done for a week, and it gives you a nice rest in between. Dishes are vicious. Yup, that's my new motto.

I wish I could say something else besides describing the aggravation of getting my dishes done, but I just plain don't have anything else interesting going on. Except falling into pools. Highlight of the week, you know?

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