Sunday, August 28, 2005

My today.

Yet another interesting day.

We went to church and I was in the walker room, which had a non-stop crier during the second half of church. I thought I was going to die after looking up at the clock and seeing it said 10:10, everytime. And no, the clock hadn't stopped, it was just going that slow.

So the clock finally rolled around to 11, and we got home, and I actually got a nap! Yes, a full-fledge, (though kid screaming) nap.

The family and I went to a baby shower today, and Laurel had a blast running around with Haley, another 4 year old (to the day, actually, they have the same birthday.) and it was so cute watching them hold hands and have fun. Laurel is so big.

Then we got home, and I turned right back around out the door to go to the hospital. Jeff twisted his ankle at a softball game and passed out. I teased him as much as possible, we rated the nurses and I got to tell my funny story of the day.

Which really is only funny to me and Jeff, so it must be a Kingsbury thing.

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