Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Post-it notes

If I were single I would put up post-it notes everywhere. I've never encountered this kind of person until this week. I walk into the kitchen and see this sticky note on our stove hood with a recipe on it for No-Bakes (mmmm, my favorite) and so I added it to the other sticky note Jen left with her cookie recipe in the cupboard (just so the other post it note doesn't get lonely, which the first note is pretty cute, it has Alltel all over the front, and let me tell you, sticky note turn on).

So anyways, I would have these ridiculous sticky notes everywhere, and most of mine would be pretty dumb, because I'm just not creative enough, or something about it makes me laugh, and no one else gets it. Whichever. Someone would always be making fun of me. Whether it was about the collage of sticky notes or what was written on them. No one can help but read a sticky note.

Tomorrow's blog is on push pins, and the rest of this week, I will be exploring other useful office items, so stay tuned.

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