Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What would I do if it were me?

I'm torn apart on what to think about Katrina. First of all I am sick of hearing about it, it's like the recount, it keeps being the topic of the day, and more are dying, just like every other day, just a little more rapid and a little differently than everyone thought they would.

I mostly feel bad for the elderly that lived down there. It seems like in this survival of the fittest world could only think of how to take care of themselves than other people less fortunate. I mean, how many people let the elders on the bus to leave New Orleans in their place??? Or anyone for that matter, and better yet, children. Those who have a chance to grow up and redeem themselves because of this travesty? I hope if I ever am in that situation, I am compassionate to anyone I see in need, even if it endangers my own life.

As for anyone else who had time to get out and didn't take it; is the foolish man that Solomon talks about in Proverbs. They never deserved this, but their own foolishness caused more deaths than necessary. God is just, and that is that. He had His reasons.

I'm curious if they are going to have a New Orleans again. Are they going to leave the city as is, and tell people to move on? I mean how many villages and cities in the long past did we as humans leave behind because of devastation? We just don't do that anymore, and it's not like we have more unexplored land to settle. It will be interesting to see.

That's it. Katrina summed up in 4 short paragraphs filled with slight compassion, justice, curiosity, and irritation. I wonder what I would do if it were me?

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