Thursday, September 01, 2005

Anything and Everything

Our neighbor has been doing major renovations to his house, and does it look good. It's a rental, always has been, but the rentees never kept it up. It was in serious need of rebuilding and my neighbor has been doing an awesome job. He's a good guy.

I fixed my bike yesterday, (told you I was a handyman, well woman) not that it was a big deal... it didn't have a tire or breaks. I'm still working on the back brakes, so I know it will work before I get on the road with it. I much rather use back brakes to front, since you tend to flip over when using the front brakes. I have enough non-living things against me, I don't need to make my bike an enemy by default.

Cassie looks so cute in her too small sleeper, I ended up changing her into cute pj's since after a year old, I don't have footie pj's until 4 or so, and by then, they really either hate or love them, you know? So on that note....

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