Sunday, June 12, 2005


Well I made it through my first nursery day at Riv. Not that I've never been in nursery before, but we never had a nametag system, we knew each kid by name, and there weren't so many people. I had like 4 kids on my lap at one point, today. I can't help it. I would pick one up (while holding onto Cassie, who was attached to my hip today) and usually it was a crying one, and get them interested in something so that they'd stop crying, and forget until their parents got there. Dar wasn't too happy today in the 2 year old room, so she came in with me. No biggie. She was just as excited to play with the other kids as she would have been in the 2 year old room.

It's funny to watch kids, you realize which kids have working parents, or stay at home moms, and even the community kids (ie, the ones that everyone just watches, so the parents don't necessarily have to keep their eye on them 24/7). I wonder if these kids feel like that there is always someone watching them, even when no one is the room. I'll have to ask them when they are grown-up I guess.

Okay this wasn't such a good post, ah well. It can't always be good.

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