Monday, March 21, 2005


My poor Dar. I was cooking lunch and she pulled up a chair to watch. Cass must of been bugging her, and she leaned right onto the stovetop and burned her hand. It was bad enough, I had to take her to ER and that's where I have been for the last half of my day. She'll be alright, but it's not very fun waiting for hours for the ER to open up and take only 15 minutes to address her needs. What is this world coming to? There was a little boy waiting as well who had broken his arm, and they made him wait as well! He was 2 years old! Like they understand why they are hurting and why mom or dad can't do anything but try to soothe them. I felt so bad, usually I'm not pushy or anything, but when even I have to speak up you know it's got to be bad.

I find that it is sad that we make people wait when they come crawling in for help. I am not one of those mothers who worries about every little thing that happens to their kid and drags them to ER for every mosquito bite. So when I ask for help, I REALLY need it. Desperately. Because I just don't know what to do. I even called my nurse practitioner to see if I even needed to go in for this. I would rather rely on my own knowledge and books, than asking for help on things I know I can do. You strike a balance, you know?

Anyways, it's one of those really ridiculous things that happens in life.

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