Friday, March 18, 2005


You know I was thinking about a couple of posts ago about Darkness on earth, learning experience? I am reading a book called Becoming Real, by Steven James, (don't ask me if it's good, I'm not done reading it yet) it was talking about death in general, how Americans view death (or don't view death.... at all) and he spoke on Psalms. It really made me think. (italics mine)

"We don't walk through the valley of death but the valley of the shadow of death. It's only a shadow. We walk through the valley of life, but every step of the way, deaths shadow looms closer."

I know it seems morbid, but I also think that if we don't face death, which is what he says in his book, then we are fooling ourselves. It took me 10 years to face the fact that death doesn't control my life. But I also learned that death happens anytime, any day, I think I almost embrace it. So if I seem non-chalant about death, I don't mean to. I really believe that God knows what He's doing, and it's that persons time to go and join Him. Doesn't make it easier. Just the bold truth. I may cry for them, but I'm happy too, especially a Christian who passes on. I guess you could say I am jealous they get to go first, God just isn't done with me yet on this earth. My mom wants a party at her funeral. My sister may not be too thrilled if I throw one for mom and act like it's an Awakening but I think I just might.

Anyways, the author goes on to say to live today, not planning to live sometime, not planning to die eventually, but to live today and now. It was a good chapter. The first chapter was good too. It was about humility and pride, I found quite a few things that I really didn't like about myself. Yeah, we won't talk about my pride or lack of humility. Not today. Can't say that it was a really "good" chapter, but it was very healthy nonetheless. Maybe I'll turn out okay after all.

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