Tuesday, March 29, 2005


That's me today. Last night I got a huge headache and well....I was just sick. Today wasn't too much better so the best husband in the world stayed home today with the kids so I could get some extra sleep and feel better.

I've got to say something for honesty. I got a response back from my sister in law, about how she never knew how I felt. Isn't it funny how things are? Even when I fight, scream and have a lot of animosity, I shake my head in wonder. So many people could bite back. But they don't. I know how scared I was to disagree and just be myself, and be honest. I've spent my whole life with half-truths and trying to make myself look good. And now, I'm just letting go. Let my personality speak for me.

Inside, I'm still the scared little kid I was ten years ago, only with extra baggage. Reminds me of the conversation in Good Will Hunting...

Look, don't try to pass yourself off as some kind of an intellect at the expense of my friend just to impress these girls. The sad thing is, in about 50 years you might start doin' some thinkin' on your own and by then you'll realize there are only two certainties in life.
Yeah? What're those?
One, don't do that. Two-- you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on an education you coulda' picked up for a dollar fifty in late charges at the Public Library.

How honest is that? You try to be "smart" and make yourself look good, no matter what, and it accomplishes nothing. Until you get down the road and realize how stupid you were. That's what I don't like about people. You live your life and get to 50 and wonder why on earth did I do that, I wasted my life on useless things. And surprise, mid-life crisis.

What if we looked ahead for once and actually learned that ahead of our time. We wouldn't waste our lives, we could be happy of all our decisions in life. And remember what we said was the right thing, honest and wise. How's that for a kicker? Learn from people older than you? Swallow your pride, get good and dirty, and suddenly become honest and truthful? Craziness!

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