Sunday, March 13, 2005

I am so happy today. Yesterday, Josh and I were coming home from church and while we were at church I noticed that he had filled out the card at the back of our bulletin. He said he checks it every week just to see if he wants to check any boxes at the bottom, and this week he felt lead to.

Well, on the way home, he said, "You want to know what I filled out on the bulletin?" "Sure."I said. He told me that he decided to check the box that he wanted a pastor to get a hold of him, because he wants to get baptized. He said for some obscure reason since we had been talking about it recently, he decided it was the right timing. How many people have been praying over him, in hoping that this would happen. Let me tell you, it was a lot of people.

I am so excited for him. Crazy enough, I keep thinking about the man who found his son parable, (prodigal son???) Rejoice with me! And he was so happy, he was bursting from the seams. Yes, definitely how I feel.

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