Thursday, March 24, 2005


I am such a homebody. I like staying home and doing my own thing. Today we don't have anywhere to go and I am so relieved, I can sit around in my pj's and enjoy my day.

I like to get out too, I get a little weird if I don't (I think we all do). I guess my home is a security blanket for me. I know I can always return to an environment where no one judges me, they take me for who I am and not what I look like, (I look like a crazy scientist when I wake up, thank goodness looking good in the morning isn't a requirement for my marriage!) So I am safe. It's no wonder I never want to leave my home, I have everything at my fingertips. I could even buy my groceries online and have them delivered if I want.

Except for friendships. They are all outside of my home. Although it would be nice to "order" people online to stop by so I don't have to go out.

I'm such an extremist sometimes.

Anyways like I said, I'd go crazy if I didn't get out once a week. I have to strike a balance in my life. I'm 85% alone time (or with kids...That's fine.) 15% Everyone else time. I don't have to have groups of people surrounding me all the time, in fact I get rather claustrophobic if I do and I prefer to have time to process what is going on in my life to keep a level head about everything.

And I know I'm not the only one that does this.

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