Saturday, April 02, 2005

The homeless bum I'm not

I'm really not feeling like me today. I mean, I am me, but I'm just out of sorts or something. Not too thrilled with life today. And to top it off I feel sick, again.

When I told Josh I didn't feel good he blamed it on me not wanting to go to his Grandmothers birthday party. However that is severely not the case. It doesn't matter to me one way or another whether I go. So if I go, I go. If I don't, then I just don't.

I feel like running away today and I don't know what I would do once I got to the end of my driveway. Would I go towards Lansing or stick to backroads and hide from cars? And when I got there what would I do next? It's really too bad I'm not feeling well or I might seriously consider it.

And it's not nice enough outside for a long walk anyways. So today, I've decided to not become a bum and homeless. Unless I end up walking down to Florida or something, I guess I'm stuck being a mom for one more day.

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