Monday, April 18, 2005


I have this routine when I work out. I'm not a total fanatic about it, but I enjoy the benefits of feeling better and looking better. I make sure I have enough time to get everything I want accomplished. So I get out my music I want to run to, get dressed, get my water, and out to the treadmill I go. I almost think about turning back as I see it, do I really want to suffer for the next half an hour, or do I realistically move enough to get a workout during the day? Then I say who am I kidding, and step on the torture machine. I decide what kind of mood I'm in music wise and stretch. Then I walk and finally, I run. I start setting little goals for myself. I cheer for myself. I pray heavily. Maybe God wants me on a treadmill. I'm sure He could find another way for me to exercise. But would it glorify Him as much? I rather doubt it.

After I reach my last goal I set at the end, I think I finally start breathing again. I've never been an endurance sort of person, so it is surprising to see me on a treadmill for so long. But I find that the more I don't give this exercise regularly thing up, the more endurance I have in other areas as well. I read for longer periods of time. I have a greater patience with my kids. My dishes get done more often, almost daily and trust me, you're talking to a woman who would let them go for days. When you couldn't find a plate, you found tuperware, and when you couldn't find that..... I think the longest the dishes sat is a month once. It was pretty gross. What can I say, newly married, never been out on my own, and my mom usually did the dishes when I lived at home. Dishes are a huge accomplishment.

You know what? I don't think I can totally say it is just the exercising that did all this. I think it's been all the praying while the torture has been going on. Because I usually pray in spurts, it's nice to have that half an hour long conversation. I usually just can't sit still long enough. I am always moving in one way or the other. I'm lucky that God excepts me for who I am, and unfortunately I also think that if this bod gets beautiful one day, I might just stop all together. What can I say. I'm human. I'm starting to be satisfied with what I have (or don't have). Maybe I'll find another way to glorify God even more, and this time I'll choose something with a little less suffering involved. And a lot less vanity and selfishness.

Of course, a little suffering never hurt anyone, in fact, it builds character. Right???

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