Saturday, April 30, 2005

Super mom!

I wish I was super mom. My kids just demonstrated how awful they could be once again. Anyone have advice? I can't seem to get my kids to leave some place once we've gotten there. It's not my 1 year old that is the problem, it's my 2 and 3 (almost 4)year old.

I can't help but think it's all my fault that they act this way. Actually the real issue is that we don't get them out enough, just for this reason, they fight us and I can't fight 3 kids at one time, it isn't possible. Thus the super mom thing. I need about 5 extra arms, and a helicopter to get my kids out of a place. So everyone bear with me, I'm trying to get my kids used to going places and behaving when we leave. It's going to be torture for a few months.

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